It's All Basically the Same

Back to the Blog/My Current Events

I have changed my personal blog from my "Mobile Me" Mac address back the the good old blogspot. The other address is now being used for hosting, which is the freelance business for graphic/web design that Erin Bender and I run. While the mac setup was slick, I think I'm more inclined to post on this, so it all works out.

It's kind of fun to look back here at all of my LU posts, kind of nice to have everything tie together. I'm looking at applying to SMU (Perkins School of Theology) here in Dallas for the Fall of '09, either part time or full depending on the financial aid situation. I have enough time and money invested in a seminary degree already that it would just be irresponsible not to finish it, and to be honest, it's pretty fun. That being said I'm glad we took a break, I'm glad to be out of Atlanta, and I'm very glad to be back in Texas (specifically Dallas). So things are going well. I worry about making everything work, and I'm continuing the business as best as I can. Karen always has tons of more trust in God, which is good for me. So I'm just going to keep plucking along on the path as stated above and hopefully things will keep working out.

I'm also looking at being a Chaplain in either the Air Force or the Navy Reserves during college (and 8 years after), which has been fun. Going back to before I changed my major I wanted to be a pilot in the forces, and I have always wanted to serve my country in some way, so doing the reserves seems like a great fit for me. I could request active duty after seminary, but I don't want to leave Dallas right now nor do I want to give up on the business or other connections; we have a lot of fun friends here. Karen especially is a people person, I'm glad everything is working out for her right now especially, she's been happy and calm and that has been good for me.

So things are alright, we're getting by and having fun doing it, can't ask for more really. Stay tuned for more at this address.

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2 Responses to “Back to the Blog/My Current Events”

  1. # Blogger Unknown

    I wondered how long you'd be able to stay away from the seminary thing. :-) Let me know if you need any editing help on an application letter!

    I think you'd be an excellent chaplain, btw.  

  2. # Blogger d.t.blaser

    Thanks a lot Fjord! I was actually wondering when to send you an email asking for your help... ;-)  

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