It's All Basically the Same

On St. Swithin's Day

I emailed my youth pastor the other day, letting him know how much of an impact he's had in my life. It's kind of corny, I suppose, but I do love the man a great deal and am thankful for his guidance in my life. He emailed me back with a small story about a mission trip we were both on in Staten Island. The story made me think about who I was and what the road has been like from that point to my current position. Throughout the Old Testament, the people of God are commanded to look back, to remember. They are told to paint their doors, eat bitter herbs, and get drunk beyond all imagination; all for the sake of remembering. Normally I just look at that and breeze on by. But this experience has shown me the importance of taking a little time to look back with friends. When I meet a friend I haven't seen in years, we always talk about what we did and how much fun it was. We talk about those things for several different reasons. One could be that those stories are all we remember. However, I'll be an idealist and say that the real reason we do that is because it lets us remember who were together. It shows us the effect that the other has had in our lives, whether that be ages ago or just the other day. It highlights the common bond, the common growth, and the common joy we have with each other. Our stories are important for those reasons. They show us who we are, how we've grown, and the beauty of how Christ works in godly relationships, no matter who they are with. I love my stories. I love how they don't change, how they're moments in time that I can never have back, and that I never want back. Stories are lasting monuments that we can always turn towards in order to reflect upon love, joy, pain, gladness, and the glory of God.

8 Responses to “On St. Swithin's Day”

  1. # Anonymous Anonymous

    I love you  

  2. # Anonymous Anonymous

    I love you too, but we should be sappy somewhere where young ears aren't listening.  

  3. # Anonymous Anonymous

    my young ears are listening!!!!!  

  4. # Anonymous Anonymous

    But Davey-poo! I wuvs my widdle cuddle-wums soooo muches I can't hold in inside! Who wants a gweat big hug!! Who's just the cutest widdle guy there evew was! Awwwwwwwwww  

  5. # Anonymous Anonymous

    i'm still here!  

  6. # Anonymous Anonymous

    Hey Slope, let's get drunk beyond all imagination! Woot!  

  7. # Anonymous Anonymous

    I think there's a little Hebrew in me...You make a valid point. Until we can't distinguish Haman from Mordecai! I'll come to Korea since we can't do it here.  

  8. # Anonymous Anonymous

    if you guys are getting drunk, i want in too!  

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