It's All Basically the Same

Color Wars

Throughout this election on talk shows and interviews, I have seen black voters say repeatedly that race is a huge, if not the only, factor for them in this election. A good example out of the many is Tracy Morgan on Conan replying to the question "who are you voting for?" with the answer "who do you think, I'm black." Why is this acceptable? So many people have fought for too long to have people revert to voting based mainly on skin color. I have heard this from blacks and whites, but surprisingly from many blacks. Some feel that skin color is a major issue, and I wonder how progressive this really is. I understand it's a major achievement for the black community to have a black man running for president, but to overlook flaws or merely to choose based on skin color misses the point. Vote for Obama or McCain because you agree with them or feel that they have the best experience for America's current problems. Do not vote for them because they are white or black. Racism can affect both sides in this election, and the bug can bite both black and white people. Our skin color does not make us immune to racism and I encourage both blacks and whites to not vote based on skin color, but for the right man for the job.

That's for this election. I voted today, hope you did too!

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