It's All Basically the Same

Either Way, Stop the Hate

The last eight years have brought out the very ugly side of America. We've seen people make unsupported lies and wish people dead based on ideological views. I remember reading about Tony Snow's death, and many comments to that story (an alarming number in fact) were praising his death as an act of God and laughing at this family man rotting in hell. When is there ever need for stuff like this? Recently a San Francisco radio DJ was overheard yelling expletives and death threats at John McCain and Joe the Plumber during a previously recorded news spot. Again, why? What could possibly motivate someone to wish another dead on party lines? I don't think America will go far enough left or right to call for people to get up arms and defend themselves from tyranny. Fact is, there is no call for hate of this magnitude in a democratic system that rivals any other in the world. We need to have respect for other opinions out there and not run like the other half doesn't exist.

This election, no matter who wins, should be a call for us to unite and fix the problems that need fixing. Sadly, I do no think this will happen. Rational thinking often doesn't come from certain people, whether their guy wins or loses. Both parties have whackos out there, and both parties also have some good folks, and both parties need to be balanced by the other sometimes. However, there should never be the hate that I've seen over the last eight years, it's truly horrendous. We don't need to agree, but stop the hate.

Also, if you're a Republican and expecting McCain to lose, don't worry. Obama may be fairly liberal, but he had to resort to conservative talking points on lower taxes, strong foreign policy, and strong defense spending to get the votes he needed. This country is still a Center-Right country, and conservative ideals are not ending with Obama, even if he won't actually implement any of the conservative talking points he used to get votes. But if he doesn't, the people of the United States have a good memory, and our ethics and values are not thrown out overnight or at the drop of an eloquent speech.

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