It's All Basically the Same

It's Time to Leave

Today is a very nice Fallesque sort of day. (That is if Fallesque is a word even, which is what spell check seems to say.) It reminded me a little bit of my favorite season back home. I have always loved the fall time, even when it gets drizzly and wet; there is just something about it that is always so beautiful. The otherwise normal colors of red, yellow, and orange break into shades and tints that create an amazing spectacle. The air smells so fresh and crisp, full of flavor and change. But most of all, it's about the Apple pie and Cider. If you thought I was going to go off on how a leaf touches the depths of my heart, you were wrong. Although the leaf comes close, the food of fall is what really gets there. You can drive down the road to several different stands where families sell homemade apple cider, where retired women get together and bake pies to sell, and where the colors will just blow you out of your chair. (Yay! Hyperbole!) Anyway, it’s days like this that make me wish I could fulfill my gluttonous desires to drink copious amounts of cider on a cool day. But then again, I'm paying 75 cents less per gallon than they are in New York, so it makes the change almost, just almost though, worth it.

1 Responses to “It's Time to Leave”

  1. # Anonymous Anonymous

    Ahh, fall. It has finally cooled off here, but I haven't been in nature enough to notice the change of the seasons.  

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