It's All Basically the Same

We Make Christianity...

"You shall not make for yourselves any graven image" is a well-known portion of scripture located in the Decalogue in Exodus 20:3-6. Christians in America have fought fight after hard beat fight to keep this portion of scripture in public places, courthouses, and government buildings. It contains a fairly straightforward message that many interoperate today as not having idols. Sometimes a preacher will use this to talk of money, fame, television, sex, or anything else that can be “our god”. However, for those hearing this word at Mt. Sinai, would have realized the importance not to make a graven image of Yahweh himself. Much like God cannot be molded down to fit into what we think he should be to ourselves, God cannot be melted down to fit a man made image.

“Go to Devos! Go to Church! Go to Prayer and Praise! Do it now or the forces of God will come upon thee, and you won’t have as good a week if you don’t go.” I hear these messages around me, not subliminally, not implied, but said out loud. It is wonderful to see how limited God is in our culture today. It is fairly simple, you go to church and all of the other things, then God will be with you; almost like 1+1=2 isn’t it? We have to do this to have this result. We have to live our lives to a formula; to things we may not have time for, to things that we may not appreciate. “You shall not make for yourselves any graven image”… It sometimes seems that we take God and limit him through the various stresses, routines, and formulas that exist in the American Christian worldview. We take the external elements: church, devotions, tithes, service projects, and worship services and do them because me+that=Good Christian. The wrong motivations are at work here. We focus on external observance rather than the internal truths that exist in Christianity.

I am not speaking out against church; I am criticizing the faulty and uncompassionate attitude that permeates through most facets in the world around me. Perhaps I shouldn’t have a good relationship with the living God, perhaps it’s all about Church, devos, and prayer and praise. That would almost be very nice: 1+1=2. But you know what, our God is not a God of formulas; He is a God greater than our mind can fanthom. Yet church+devos+prayer time+small groups+prayer and praise+my soulless effort=heaven…

“You shall not make for yourselves any graven image” including your Christian Spirituality…

8 Responses to “We Make Christianity...”

  1. # Anonymous Anonymous

    yes! thats a good word blaser. the modern age led us to try to formulize christianity which robs it of much of its beauty and mystery. often too our formulas focus on the individual and miss God's plan for saving all of creation...  

  2. # Anonymous Anonymous

    I agree whole heartedly. I hate when people put pressure on others to do things their way. What I think is really sad though, is when people assume that having a quiet time is what makes their day good, or something like that. "I didn't have my quiet time the other day, and it was just such a bad day. So today I took just ten minutes for a quiet time, and my day has been sooo much better!" What is a "quiet time" anyway? It sounds like a quick fix to have a good day. I liked when I was a child and didn't know what a "quiet time" was. I just talked to God through out the day whenever I wanted to, or whenever he seemed to speak to me. In fact, that's still what I do. I don't want to do this "Ok God, I'm going to give you ten minutes in the morning, and then you'll make my day good, ok?" When a cool breeze blows through my window, I look up and smile and thank God for it. When I feel like I can't handle things any more, I cry out to him and tell him I know I can't do it on my own. Sometimes I just tell him I love him at a random time of day, for no apparant reason other than he's God. People talk about wanting to have a "personal relationship" with God, but what they really do is just pencil him in among the many other appointments. God is not restricted to your "quiet time." Scuse me, but I think he can handle being there during your busy times too. Haha, anyway... I'm totally going off on this in a place meant for short comments... I'm sorry Dave. Anyway, yes. I very much agree with your frustration at the "formula Christianity."  

  3. # Anonymous Anonymous

    Mooser thanks, it's fun to share ideas with you, I'm looking into those books you recommended to me, I'll have some free time to check them out this Fall Break weekend; hope you're doing well.  

  4. # Anonymous Anonymous

    Haha, you're always so fun Kare. Thanks for that example, and for being so good at having a relationship with God and with me.  

  5. # Anonymous Anonymous

    blaser, if you want to read any of those books but can't find them in the library or don't want to buy them, let me know and i'll mail them out to you with a package you can mail them back in too so you don't have to worry about shipping.  

  6. # Anonymous Anonymous

    Great thoughts, Slope. You're right on. True Christianity (and I mean that literally) is neither legalism nor lawlessness. And our tendency to adopt modern-day legalism is certainly a huge problem. (Check out Philippians 3 when you get a few minutes... it's highly related).

    I hope the semester is treating you well! For now, it's way past becky's new bedtime, so any other blabberings about my life will just have to wait.

    Keep pressing into the Lord, and sharing the truth of His gospel!  

  7. # Anonymous Anonymous

    Wow. Neat, Slope. That should be published.  

  8. # Anonymous Anonymous

    Your thinking is fresh. I needed to hear that.  

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