It's All Basically the Same

Sticks in Tires

I played with Elianna tonight. She had a Winnie the Pooh game that involved a honey jar with a spinney thing. The spinney thing told you whether or not you had a chance to grab one of the little pogs. I thought whoever had the most pogs of one character won; so I cheated. I cheated aganist a three year old girl. And you know what the worst part is? I lost. I'm not sure why I cheated in the first place. I think that messing around with a three year old's game had some sort of twisted appeal that I should probably look into. But then again, it could be that I just was bored. Regardless I think a lesson can be learned here. An age old lesson: that children, are meant to be messed around with. It's just way too much fun for the older people. We would do it ski instructing all of the time. One little flick with your ski on their binding, a "Hey Johnny, it's your turn" and you're golden: one very confused child in the snow. But more importantly, one very amused Slope.

6 Responses to “Sticks in Tires”

  1. # Anonymous Anonymous

    And you too are evil, but in a good way.  

  2. # Anonymous Anonymous

    i can't believe you cheated against a little girl. thats just sick!  

  3. # Anonymous Anonymous

    Yeah...I think I just wanted to get the game over fast though, so it's not so bad right?  

  4. # Anonymous Anonymous

    Yeah its still bad. One other question, did she know at all?  

  5. # Anonymous Anonymous

    ::buries face in hands:: Our children will be so warped...  

  6. # Anonymous Anonymous

    Wait your not going to have children are you.... Oh no... What is going to come of this world.  

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