New York Five Day Forecast:
Highs in Mid to Low 30's, Lows from 19-23 degrees; Overcast; High chance of snow showers...
Texas Five Day Forecast:
Highs in the 70's, almost reaching 80; lows in the low 50's; sunny, everyday...
Weather like this in November is fun, but around this time of year I miss actual seasons and weather; I'm sure I'll get that knocked out of me over Christmas. Until then, I'm in the land of the never-ending sun, even for Thanksgiving!
Highs in Mid to Low 30's, Lows from 19-23 degrees; Overcast; High chance of snow showers...
Texas Five Day Forecast:
Highs in the 70's, almost reaching 80; lows in the low 50's; sunny, everyday...
Weather like this in November is fun, but around this time of year I miss actual seasons and weather; I'm sure I'll get that knocked out of me over Christmas. Until then, I'm in the land of the never-ending sun, even for Thanksgiving!
The more I learn about the Bible, the more I get scared. I wish that we could just have a formula that we could say acting a certain and doing certain things despite will bring us somewhere. In Leviticus, there is a long section that describes in detail the sacrificial system. This is the very sacrificial system that Christ is the fulfillment of, which I hear is one of the reasons the Old Testament is kept around. When the people came to make a sacrifice, the text states that it is not enough just for them to do the action, but that the internal conversion and heart must show. This internal dedication and will is also behind the principle of circumcision. Actions are never enough. No matter what you can do, it will not be enough. We can jump around and get all peppery at church, but it won’t matter if heart is blind. You can study theology and ancient languages, but none of it will matter unless your heart is willing to be taught. So many times we put focus on the actions rather than what is behind the actions, perhaps because behind the actions is something that is not real. I don’t sing in chapel a lot of times. Chapel is in the period of the day where I am just realizing that I woke up, and my sinuses along with the cat that crawled into my throat during the night tell me not belt out a praise; so I don’t. We must understand that what is on the inside is what counts. Sometimes we think that we can know a lot about a person because of what they do on the outside. Sometimes we think the outside is what is also inside of that person, and that they must have no logical reason to act the way they do. I think the system we use on each other is kaput to put it nicely. I think that we have got it all wrong. When did worship and church become something we monitor people by? When did they become something we monitor ourselves by? The more I read in the Bible, the more I think that the way we do things is tiresome and useless as Christians; and I get scared. It scares me to think that I can’t have a God who complies with me, who fits into my schedule. It scares me that I can’t be safe, that I can’t be comfortable in my self; I don’t like it. I have no problem with what Christianity has done to God, which appeals right to the selfishness in me. I can go to Lakewood and hear Joel Olsteen sell me the belief that I am OK, that what I do is alright because of Jesus and I therefore do not need to change; as long as I can jump when I sing. I can sit in my pew and feel good about myself. I once heard it said that Christianity will go away because it is no longer a religion people can die for, that people can give their lives to, to take to the grave with them. I know some people that can and would take Christianity to the grave, but on the whole I believe that statement is mostly true. I don’t care about a God who compromises. I don’t care about a God who lets me look the same as everyone else and tells me that is alright. I don’t care about a God who lets me put him into a set values of boxes, and lets me ignore the things he commanded for my own comfort. I’m glad God is not like any of these things, but like I said, it scares me. If I really did the things I am supposed to, that I am told to, that I am shown, I would be giving up very much; very much that I want to keep. Our God is a God who demands an answer to what He is about, you’re either in or you’re out. There is no “yes, but with benefits” there is no “I’ll do that but not this”. The more I read about it, the more I hate it because of myself, but the more I see the beauty in God and the truth of His word and character; not the character that people in this world have made him out to be. Not the people who think they are full when they are empty, when they say they have something but do not. There are churches and people out there who I believe do things right and I do not mean to include them here, but for the most part…it’s just about feeling good, just like drugs, alcohol, and casual sex are. There really is not much difference between the two sides. Both let you believe you have something when you do not, and both end up leaving you empty and deceived in the end.
Don’t fear! Another, much happier installment will come!
Don’t fear! Another, much happier installment will come!
I'm trying to get into an honors seminar next semester. I'm not in honors, so I do not know how my request will be handled due to that snag. Nonetheless I am excited, because I've determined that the school really can't stop me from going to the class. Well, they can tell me I can't take it, but on the other hand, I'm a fairly meaty guy and I do not think it will be that easy to move me. I think we can coexist though, the honors group and myself. I will sit in the back and not talk, and they will give me a chance to hear lecture on Emerging Church. Emerging Church will cover Brian Mclaren's predecessors and others who have written on religion in a pluralistic society. Moose has gotten me hooked on McLaren's speeches, and I will start reading his books in the near future. It is a great course that covers a topic I love, and by-golly, I'm going to get an education despite what anyone else tells me. Even so, I e-mailed Dr. C to see if I can do it the normal way, like with papers and signatures and all. Dr. C is a cool guy so I hope things can turn out...stay tuned for the continuing Saga of Slope meets discrimination and intolerance!
I played with Elianna tonight. She had a Winnie the Pooh game that involved a honey jar with a spinney thing. The spinney thing told you whether or not you had a chance to grab one of the little pogs. I thought whoever had the most pogs of one character won; so I cheated. I cheated aganist a three year old girl. And you know what the worst part is? I lost. I'm not sure why I cheated in the first place. I think that messing around with a three year old's game had some sort of twisted appeal that I should probably look into. But then again, it could be that I just was bored. Regardless I think a lesson can be learned here. An age old lesson: that children, are meant to be messed around with. It's just way too much fun for the older people. We would do it ski instructing all of the time. One little flick with your ski on their binding, a "Hey Johnny, it's your turn" and you're golden: one very confused child in the snow. But more importantly, one very amused Slope.
In today's world, many Christians display feelings of negativity and resentment upon seeing the phrase “X-Mas” used. This is mainly due to the notion that there is an underlying desire for everyone who uses the phrase to remove Christ from the Holiday. However, in reality the term “X-Mas” has its origins in Christianity in a very strong way. X, or Chi in Greek, is the sound “Ch” in the New Testament Greek language. Xristos, is the word for Christ in Greek, which starts with the symbol Chi. (X) Therefore, the term “X-Mas” is not merely trying to cross or take out God. Rather, the symbol Chi (X) is a symbol for the word Christ. Thus showing that in reality “X-Mas” is just a shorter way of saying Christmas while still maintaining the religious roots and the significance of Christ's birthday. So before we make an accusation of “heathenism” and take offense, let us first reflect of the truth behind “X”,and understand what the real meaning is.