It's All Basically the Same

I Think it was the Fourth of July

I was talking to my friend Matt last night, it was a lot of fun. It was the first time I've had a talk with him in awhile and for a little bit I was able to pretend that I only lived 12 minutes away from him again. However, that is not the case, which is kind of sad after talking to him. Although I'll get to spend some time home and with the guys of the Summer, it's not the same at all. I feel weird and out of place down here. After speaking in Church the other day and talking to the pastors, it dawned on me that I should probably be the last person to do anything like that; it scares me to core. I'm pretty good at Theology, word studies, and the like, but seeing that church just struck something in me I really didn't like. Maybe it's because I felt like a salesmen promoting myself to the old people voting on me, maybe it's because I'm not cut out, maybe I should be doing something else. At this point it doesn't matter I guess, it's an academically required internship and although scary it may be, it's life so I'm cool with it. So hopefully things will turn out well, and besides, it's only two months and the youth pastor is pretty cool. Matt was telling me about the other night back home where things seemed like old times. He said it's funny how nostalgic they (and I as well) get for the way things were, and the general consensus is that growing up stinks. However, it's still good to know that nothing really changed although we all have, things just keep getting picked up it seems. For this I am very thankful. I haven't made any friends like Matt or Brendan or the other guys down here so much outside of Karen. Maybe that's my own dumb fault, or maybe I've been too busy. I have gotten to know several awesome people down here on the same level which is really cool and a blessing; it's not like I don't have friends that care at all. Anyway, we all get older, I hope to keep my friends I have in back home no matter how long the length of parting or where we may all end up when out of college.

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