It's All Basically the Same

Hard to Specify

It's Wednesday afternoon, and my afternoon thus far has consisted of Strong Bad e-mails, guitar playing, and some pleasure to brain coming over...being a lazy bum for a few days...very good...Anyway, my Acts class seemed to have gone very well even though I do not know what grade I will get yet. It was interesting to stay here the two weeks, and fun to have a cool class to take while I'm here. This summer really feels different, and it really only started yesterday, but still. I'm going to start work on the 5th with VBS, so I guess that will be fun. Kids are cool for periods shorter than 2 hours, and the people at the church seem nice. I really don't know exactly what my hours will be or anything, and no one's really said much. But I doubt that I will work 40 hours a week there, but it would be great if I did.

Next week I get to go to San Antonio for a few days, which should be really great. Karen has an awesome family, and it is a lot of fun to be in the house with all of them. It will also be great to see Karen in the summer, and we'll both have a chance to go to the NY. So things are looking good. It's a bit scary and weird being down here alone, but bubbles and others are around, and the time will probably go by really fast...except the times that I see Karen, those need to go by like a sloth climbing a greased wall. ;)

1 Responses to “Hard to Specify”

  1. # Blogger Karen

    Haha, yes, I wouldn't mind the times here and in New York lasting a while. ;-) I know you'll have a lot of fun working at the church too though.

    I hope you have a great rest of the week Dave. I'll be thinking of you and praying for you. See you Sunday!  

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