It's All Basically the Same

Eating with Doctors

I got a chance to go out to lunch with the Drs. Hood today, it was really neat. Both of them are very wise, as well as have a good grip on reality in ministry. What was really great was the insight on Seminary and methods of education. I cannot really disclose all of the opinions displayed by the aforementioned professors, but what they said contained excellent advice and thought provoking sentiments. The talk again showed me that LeTourneau really is a great place to be educated, especially in Biblical Studies. The entire department is very solid in their beliefs and teachings, and the professors teach the tools of the trade instead of only giving one opinion. It also was neat because the discussion showed me the importance of the Christian Ministry degree, but also the large need for the Biblical Studies. In fact the two compliment each other in a wonderful fashion with one giving sound tools for study, and the other looking into more practical parts of human interaction. Some, including myself, do not count too highly the here and now practical parts of ministry in a culture, although knowing what is going on is very important. I struggled with the CMIN degree by itself for awhile because it seemed a bit empty and almost useless in the long run. Much of the stuff taught can be gained by experience or reading a book, but the CMIN material combined with the Biblical Studies turns out to be a pretty sweet pair of majors. Tools are taught in both, and those are the techniques and practices that last. Having only one perspective is not always good, and the dual major is a great environment for practice in critique and theory development under some great guidance.

So this was one of the things highlighted for me during the talks about education and ministry goals and values. I write it only because I like what I do, and I like it when I find things that make me feel all the more excited about it. It's hard sometimes being at a technical school with many (not everyone) people who find their pride more important than how they treat others, and knock liberal arts down. Somehow being picked on because I follow my gifts and joys in Bible Study does not really add up, but that's another topic. It's just refreshing to eat with people who know what's up, and don't automatically write you off as an unintelligent human being for not being in a technical field. The lunch was delicious, and I would eat with Doctors like the Hoods any chance I got.

3 Responses to “Eating with Doctors”

  1. # Blogger Karen

    You are intelligent Dave, very much so. And you're very thoughtful and considerate when it comes to people. I'm glad you're in the majors you are, because I can tell how much you love what you're doing. The way you get excited about the things you learn is really cool, and inspiring to me, even though I'm in a different major. I think taking pride in doing well in the field God has placed you in is an admirable thing. I'm glad you're taking joy in the abbilities God has given you. :-)  

  2. # Anonymous Anonymous

    Just don't say "CMIN" out loud. Then you won't sound intelligent.  

  3. # Blogger d.t.blaser

    I didn't think it was talking out loud. But I figured it was saying the same as UNLOG...or something like that out loud, or perhaps in my away message ;-)  

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